Sunday, August 29, 2010
Demystifying the Chinese Zodiac Tattoo Dragon Design
Dragon Tattoos - Tips For Finding the Perfect Dragon Tattoo
To differentiate these two, you have to know their characteristics. Western dragons are known to be fierce, evil and mercilessly throw fire to anyone living. Eastern dragons on the other hand, are good and serve as guardians. The best known eastern dragons are Chinese, Japanese and Korean dragons. All of them have their specific virtues that are loved by people.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Henna Simple Designs - How to Apply Henna Tattoos
This technique of body art is a tradition that symbolizes beauty and has been passed down for centuries by the women who practice it. There are even references in the bible. Henna designs can be found today in India, Sudan, and Pakistan.
The easiest way to create henna simple designs is to do it yourself. The leaves of the henna plant are dried and then ground into a powder, the powder is then mixed with a liquid like hot water, eucalyptus oil, or clove oil, and made into a paste. The paste is put into a cone or applicator bottle, which is then used to apply the paste to the skin. The longer the design or pattern is allowed to dry, the darker the stain will be.
Traditionally henna simple designs were only applied to the hands and feet of the brides the night before their wedding. Now it can be found on body parts that are visible. Some popular spots are the back, stomach, shoulders, forehead, neck, and arms in addition to the hands and feet.
When I was growing up, I only knew of two men who had tattoos on their arms, my uncle and my barber. Both got their tattoos while serving in the military, but spent several years thereafter trying to have them removed as they found them to be an embarrassment among their friends as they grew older. I've also met a couple of people who survived the concentration camps of World War II and now bear identification numbers tattooed on their arms. In other words, tattoos are not something my generation or those that preceded me hold in high regard. But today's younger generation doesn't think this way and whimsically have their bodies painted at the drop of a hat. Recently, a group of underage girls from the local high school were caught trying to get tattooed at a local parlor (down here in Florida, minors cannot be tattooed without a parent's or guardian's permission).
Years ago, tattoo artists struggled to make ends meet. But with the recent wave of tattoo popularity, they have been elevated to near celebrity status. Heck, there has even been a reality show featuring tattoo artists on A&E. I find interviewing people painted with a lot of tattoos and body pierced like a porcupine to be rather amusing. They certainly do not command any credibility with me, but the kids sure seem to love them.
I guess I have always equated tattoos to a person's intelligence level. The more tattoos they have, the lower the IQ they appear to have. I don't know where I get this image from; maybe it was from watching a few prison documentaries where the inmates are interviewed, all of which are covered in tattoos. Somehow I don't find such people rather credible, nor are they anyone I want to be associated with, which is probably why I'll never get a tattoo. But then again, I guess I'm showing my age.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tips For Getting Your First Tattoo (3)
Are you at the point that you are pretty sure that you want to get your very first tattoo, but don't really know which one to get? I've been there and know exactly how it can feel to be looking for the first tattoo design that you actually want on your body for the rest of your life. Some people such as myself spend a lot of time thinking up different tattoo designs, or spend a lot of time looking through books trying to find something that's unique and fun enough to actually want on our bodies. It was a priority for me when I was getting my first tattoo, and really you should make finding high quality art a priority of yours as well. It is not as if you can just rub a tattoo off if you don't like how it looks, so try to get professional art the first time. I'm not referring to the tattoo artist mind you, but rather the picture that he or she will use as a guide for the tattoo that they will be putting on your body. There are some other considerations as well that you should think about before getting your first tattoo.
The Best Tattoo Designs For Girls - Perfect Designs Just For You
The tattoos that are best have a lot of variety in them like a big Celtic design on the whole neck, a beautiful multicolored circle on the cheek or a merman on the shoulder are all gaining popularity. The types of tattoos that are the unsurpassed are: the fiery triangles, slithering snakes or even a super girl with a gun pointing at you are all worth a try.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Back Tattoos For Men - Easy Ways to Find Nice, High Quality Galleries
When it comes to finding great back tattoos for men, I can tell you that one way will surely not work. I can also tell you that one way "will" work, yet 95% of us never even think about using this method for getting a hold of the freshest, highest quality design choices. If you can make that one switch in how you look for back tattoos for men, tons of artwork with real originality will be thrown at your feet.
This is what we all want, isn't it? I can't say that I know too many people who love staring at generic designs every day, but so many people are falling into this category. The average man is seeing bundles of cookie cutter back tattoos for men and many of them are even settling on that basics stuff! That bad news here is that 99.9% of those guys end up regretting the fact that they stuck such a generic design on their backs. What's the solution to this, you ask? It's simple: Avoiding search engines will keep you away from so many of the awful artwork galleries out there.
Tattoo Design Ideas For Women - Artwork That Fits
Finding quality tattoo design ideas can be a pain, I know, but finding artwork that fits online does not have to be hard anymore. These female tips on designs, along with easy ways to get to the good stuff on the internet should get you well on your way.
The first thing you need to remember is that you do not need to settle for a Google search, or content from some generic website with tattoo design ideas for women. As a female, you want your ultimate choices to stand out for all of the right reasons. These websites are filled with generic artwork that has been plastered all over the internet already. Who knows how many other women have those designs inked on their skin already anyway? Selecting those tattoo design ideas for women is not something you want to do.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Girl Tattoos - The Hot Designs That Girls Love
Men usually get tattoos on their chest, arms, forearms, neck, and calves. This is very normal and girls are much different because they want an excuse to show off their body. Girls like to get tattoos on their lower back, ankles, shoulders, upper back, and sometimes on their stomach or chest. However, girls have to consider how their wardrobe could be limited if they did not want to show the tattoo off for something like a wedding or a formal event.
Cute Girl Tattoos - Cute Ideas For Tattoo Designs
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Women Rib Tattoos - Sexy Body Tattoo Design For Women
If you are a tattoo enthusiast, women rib tattoos are considered to be the sexiest location to get a body ink. However, getting a tattoo at the side of your rib is not for the faint hearted. Side rib tattoo is being done on the part which is very close to the bone, the pain during the tattoo process will be more intense because there is less flesh to cushion the penetrating needle.
When getting a tattoo on the rib, choosing the right design is very important. When selecting a pattern, it is best to choose a big design since the space on your rib is quite large. With a big design, most probably it will take you more than one session to complete the tattoo. Therefore, a girl getting a tattoo on her rib can be a very long and painful experience.
Tattoo Slip on Sleeves - The Secrets Behind Hollywood Style Body Art
Have you ever wondered how Hollywood stars get those great tattoo slip on sleeves that they wear in the movies? Do you agree that those tattoos on Michael in Prison Break were amazing? Just imagine what it would be like to have your own Hollywood style body art!
The secret that movie producers use is very simple - tattoo slip on sleeves. Temporary tattoos that are fun, inexpensive, and fashionable all at the same time. Pull them on and off you go with that full sleeve tattoo that you've always wanted but never had the nerve to get.
The best tattoo sleeve on the market that will give you the same look as the stars is the "Sleeves" brand. This brand stands out above the others because they have tapered arms that fit better than other brands. They have a seamless wrist so the material appears to be flush with your skin. Other brands don't fit flush to your wrist and people will be able to tell that your tattoo is not real. That won't happen with these sleeves.
Many tattoo slip on sleeves come in only two sizes, small and large. Sleeves brand offers three different sizes which makes your selection much better. Women will find that these sizes fit snugger than the others, and large muscular men will do better with the larger size.
You won't be disappointed with the great variety that is available in these pull on tattoo sleeves. Styles include Biker, Gangster, Japanese, Skater, and Rock-a-Billy to name a few. There's something for everyone!